Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Side Effects and Mood Swings

Last night after a lot of frustration I wrote a little blog only to accidentally delete it! So I will re cap and add a little more. It has been difficult to sleep the last couple of nights. I wake up a lot and have been having hot flashes along with frequent urination. These are all side effects of one of the 4 meds I am on. I am really tired this morning after two restless nights. I also woke up with a large tummy. I am starting to feel a little bit going on in there. The shots are not too bad but I was a little nervous trying to do it right once again. I pulled out my 300IU pen and realized if you subtract 262.5 from 300 you on get 27.5 IU left which is no enough for a second dose. This was after putting the needle on and clicking the knob. So I thought do I stick myself twice using two needles to get a full dose? Then I would need to calculate how much in each pen and would continue doing this until I am even. Since my stomach is now full of holes I decided just to open a new pen. My RE said to bring in extra meds and they can make a dose out of it. So, that is what I will do.

I placed the needle on the new pen and made sure I was doing it right. It didn't bleed and I was starting to second guess myself. "was there really any medicine in there? Did I do it right?" Oh well, what can ya do. Now it was time to take off the needles. They should pop off but they were not. I was pulling on one and ended up cutting my finger with it. It hurt! Then it popped off and flew in the air. Oh, did I mention I yelled for DH to help because now I was mad at him that it wouldn't come off. haha (mood swing). He didn't hear me so I finally did it myself. I was so mad at him for not helping yet I never really asked him. I went into the other room to let him know how mad I was at him and he said that all I needed to do was come and get him since he didn't hear me. Okay, I guess I can't be mad. Then I almost started crying, for no reason. Then I was fine and tired. I decided to blog because it was now starting to seem funny. I finished and tried for the 3rd time to upload a video and accidentally deleted the post. Anger was back and I just gave up!

Can't wait to do it all again tonight!

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