Sunday, November 29, 2009

And the stimming begins

I have been trying to keep busy the last few days so that they go by fast. I had a great time with friends yesterday and decided since I was starting my stimming meds today that I would make sure to play rough! I rode quads in the mud and had a blast knowing that it will be mellow times from now on.
I was actually pretty nervous all day just watching the clock waiting for it to be night so that I could take my meds. After a lot of thought about how my weeks usually go I decided that it would be best to do my shots around 9pm. After doing it I decided it would actually be better about 6pm but to late now! lol At least I won't have to rush home from work and not be able to go to the store or worry when there is traffic.
I am a pro at shots, with regular needles at least. The pen was a little different and made me nervous. It hurt a little but no biggy. I am sure I will be a pro at this soon too. I took my 2 pills as well. I read the label and one said to take with food or milk. I learned my lesson the other day by not taking a pill with food and had heart burn forever! Unfortunately I have not food in my house that I can eat since i am having caffeine with drawls today and didn't go to the store. I only had sugar free hot chocolate and nuts so that is what I ate with my pills. This has inspired me to go to the store tomorrow.

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