Monday, September 29, 2008

Off We Go

Today I thought the insurance situation would be straightened out, but no! I called and nothing has been done and the FC is on vacation. I decided to move on and hope next week it will be worked out.

AF started today, I have been anxiously awaiting her since Friday. I start shots on Wednesday then have a blood draw on Friday. I will be taking 150mm of Gonal F Wed. and Thurs. Then depending on my blood work they will change it, not sure what the blood work does yet. I hope this week goes well. I think last week was even more difficult because I was PMSing. No one made me cry this weekend, which was good. It was actually nice and relaxing just chilln. =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the fact that having a weekend without tears has become something to celebrate! And that there are so many women out there who actually understand why.
I don't remember- is this your first injects cycle? I hope things go smoothly (your emotions included) and that the insurance gets itself all figured out.